DR ANDREW ABOUD is a Clinical and Forensic Psychiatrist based in Brisbane, Queensland. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and is registered as a specialist psychiatrist in Australia. He is a Member and a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the United Kingdom. He is a Member of the Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry in respect of both Royal Colleges.
Having graduated as a medical doctor, he completed specialist training in general psychiatry at St Georges Hospital in London and then higher specialist training in forensic psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital in London. He also holds a master’s degree in Clinical Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London. He has worked in clinical forensic psychiatric practice for over two decades and was employed as a consultant psychiatrist at the renowned Broadmoor High Security Psychiatric Hospital in the United Kingdom before moving to Australia.
He has held senior positions within Queensland’s Forensic Mental Health Service, including secure inpatient and community settings, and since 2010 has been clinical director of the prison mental health service that provides psychiatric services to all major prisons in southeast Queensland. He has specialist training and extensive experience in clinical and risk assessment of offenders and mentally disordered offenders, including those who may have engaged in physical violence, sexual violence, stalking behaviour, threat behaviour, querulant/vexatious behaviour, fire setting behaviour, amongst others.
He has extensive experience in medicolegal assessments and report writing pertaining to both criminal and civil matters and has provided expert opinions to assist various adjudicating bodies, including the civil and administrative tribunal, mental health review tribunal, parole board and courts.